Knowledge Base

All About Raising Tadpoles

If you have a backyard pond you may be considering adding fish or frogs to the water. Having these creatures splashing around in your pond can be a delight to watch and listen to. Like any animal, they will need …

Tips for Treating Sick Backyard Pond Fish
pond fish

Most backyard pond fish are able to fight off disease organisms that are constantly present in their environment. When the fish are in the most optimal conditions and a stress-free environment, they are able to fight off the most typical …

Easy to Maintain Water Features
Pond Waterfall

Having a backyard pond is great. They offer a nice visual to any outdoor living area as well as soothing background noise. But some water features are easier to maintain than others. If you want the perks of having a …

Common Summer Pond Problems

Summer is your pond’s time to shine. The weather is right, your fish are flourishing, and relaxing next to your backyard pond is the best part of your afternoon. But just like every other time of year, there are certain seasonal 

How to Stock a Backyard Pond with Fish

Now that you have installed your backyard pond and filled it with plants for convenient hiding places, it is time to stock it with fish. It is important to do this properly to ensure pond and fish health and longevity. …

All About Koi Fish and Goldfish

If you are someone who believes that a water garden isn’t complete without Koi fish or Goldfish, you are not alone. Whether you keep fish for practical reasons like mosquito control or for their bright shimmering colors, fish are an …

Unique Pond Ideas

What makes a pond? How big does it have to be? Does it have to be in the ground? These are common questions that stop many from pursuing a water garden in their backyard. The truth is that just about anything …

5 Steps to Adding Fish to Your Pond

Late spring and summer are the perfect time for adding koi fish and goldfish to a pond. Colorful fish are a fun way to add beauty to the water garden and watching them grow over time is exciting. Whether a pond …

What Do Fish Do All Winter? How Do They Survive?

Feeling a little uneasy about leaving your fish in your backyard pond or water garden this winter? It’s common to feel a little guilty about leaving your fish exposed to frigid temperatures and harsh weather conditions. Believe it or not, …

Can My Fish Survive the Winter?

If you live in a climate that endures harsher winters, you’re probably wondering whether your fish can survive the cold. While deeper ponds are better for fish than shallow water gardens, there are some precautions you can take to keep …