Knowledge Base

Why is my Backyard Pond Turning Green?
garden pond

If you have a noticed a green tinge to your backyard pond upon the arrival of Spring you are not alone. This is a pretty common occurrence and it doesn’t mean that your pond is in any particular danger. It …

Pond To-Do List for Spring
pond fish

Spring is on the horizon and with it comes seasonal pond maintenance. You know you need to clean up your pond and take care of the water before you can start enjoying your pond this spring, but there are a …

Spring Pond Maintenance – Water Care

Spring pond maintenance does not only mean cleaning. Your pond water is part of a delicate ecosystem, and after it’s been dormant all winter, you’ll want to take special care when you’re making changes for spring. Here are our tips …

Spring Pond Maintenance – Spring Pond Cleaning
spring pond

After a difficult winter, the weather is finally breaking, and we’re all ready to be outdoors. These warmer evenings and weekends are the perfect time to start thinking about de-winterizing your pond so it can be up and running when …

Preparing your Pond for Vacation

If you plan to vacation for the holidays make sure your water garden is taken care of. Things like power outages and chemical abnormalities can cause distress for anyone who might be stopping by to care for your fish. Create …

Fall Pond Maintenance Checklist

It is important to prepare your water garden for fall. As the temperatures start to dip and the leaves (and temperatures) begin to fall, being well informed on what precautions need to be taken for continued pond health are important. …

Pond Disaster: How to Deal With Algae in a Small Pond

Pond algae is everyone’s favorite part of pond maintenance. No, not really. Pond algae is one of the most frustrating parts of being a pond owner. Fortunately for you, there are ways to manage the algae growth in your backyard …

Winter Pond Supplies to Keep On-Hand

Winter ponds are lovely with a touch of frost or snow around the edges. A recycling waterfall adds to the beauty.  Pond supplies are necessary throughout the year, especially during the dormant winter season, to keep the pond healthy. Winter pond supplies include: All-season pond heaters …

Summer Pond Maintenance Checklist

Proper upkeep during the summer months is vital in maintaining a clean, healthy, beautiful pond. Knowing the proper preventative steps to keep algae under control and pond water clean goes a long way in avoiding headaches down the road. Here …

What’s the Best Temperature for My Backyard Pond?

As the seasons change, so does the temperature of a water garden. Pond maintenance is a crucial part of safeguarding the health of the plants and fish that live in it. Plants, flowers and especially goldfish and koi prefer a temperate …