Unique Pond Ideas

What makes a pond? How big does it have to be? Does it have to be in the ground? These are common questions that stop many from pursuing a water garden in their backyard.

The truth is that just about anything that holds water can be a pond, it can be huge or very small, and it does not have to be in the ground. Many people have the mistaken belief that ponds require a lot of work, space and money, but that is far from the case. For homeowners, and even renters that would love to add a pond to their yard, there are many alternatives to digging up the yard and creating a permanent fixture. Here are some ideas and inspiration for unique, easy and inexpensive ponds ideal for the yard, deck or even balcony.

It is surprising how many different materials can be used to create a water feature. A small pond can be made out of wood, a large terra cotta pot, a large metal container (such as a washtub or feeding trough) or a bunch of stones stacked and arranged into a pond formation. How is this possible? With the help of a pond liner, the possibilities are endless. The material that makes up the outside of the pond does not have to be water-tight.

Half whiskey barrels are often used as small ponds. They can be quite lovely with goldfish, water plants and even a fountain. They are easy to make and inexpensive, and are perfect for a deck. Taking this concept further, there are many other containers that can be used similarly.

Pond projects are perfect for the avid “upcycler.” Beware: It can get addictive. One unusual and fun idea is the “canoe pond.” Somewhat ironic, but an old canoe makes a charming pond, complete with fish and plants.

In the yard, create a more natural looking pond with natural or man-made stones, rocks or concrete. Stack and shape them into a pleasing form. The pond does not have to be deep, unless you would like to include koi fish. Be sure that everything is secure, of course. With a pond liner, filtration system and good care, it can be fun and rewarding to create a beautiful pond in unique ways.