Koi Pond Construction FAQ | Koi Pond Supplies, Koi Ponds

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Koi Ponds Construction FAQ

Koi pond design and construction can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Read our FAQs below for some of our best advice.

How large should I make my koi pond?

The size of koi ponds are entirely dependent on the size of your yard, the placement of the pond itself and what you want to do with it. However, keep in mind that it is always easier to build a large pond from the beginning rather than try to expand a smaller one later on. Before you begin the koi pond design process, spend some time laying out its perimeter and determining where the ideal location is. Some important things to consider are:

  • The amount of sunlight/shade the area gets
  • The presence of trees
  • How visible the pond is from your house

How deep should my koi pond be?

One key thing to note with the koi pond construction process of koi ponds has to do with the depth of your pond. In most areas of the United States, two feet is deep enough for fish to survive. However, areas in the far south or the far north should dig a little deeper to allow for intensely hot and extremely cold temperatures.

How do I know how much water my koi pond will hold?

The only way to accurately measure how much water you need is to break out the calculator and do some calculations. Thankfully, Pondliner.com has a Pond Volume Calculator you can use. Simply plug in the right numbers and we’ll get the measurements for you.

How do I know which koi pond supplies to buy?

The koi pond supplies you purchase will depend largely on the size of the pond you want to create and what purpose you want it to serve. The size of all your koi pond supplies, from underlay and pond liners to pond skimmerswater features and pond lights, is based on how large your pond is. Larger ponds that contain more water require more liner, more powerful skimmers and more pond lights.

Visit our “How to Install a Garden Pond” article in our Pond Reference Section to get extensive details on how to select and install all of your koi pond supplies.

Should I install a waterfall in my koi pond?

We recommend doing so. A waterfall keeps your koi pond’s water aerated and prevents it from freezing completely over in winter. Waterfalls also look great and can be great eye-catching features in any pond.

What are the basic steps involved in koi pond construction?

The basic koi pond construction steps are:

  • Selecting a location
  • Sizing the water feature and koi pond supplies
  • Plumbing the waterfall
  • Excavating the pond
  • Installing the underlay and pond liner, waterfall filter, pond skimmer & lights
  • Adding aquatic plants and rocks
  • Testing the installation

Get detailed instructions on each of these steps by checking out the “How to Install a Garden Pond” article found in our Pond Reference Section.

Keep in mind there are lots of options when it comes to adding water features, pond lights, and other koi pond supplies to your backyard water garden. Do your research to make sure you find the products that best meet your needs.

At what point in the koi pond construction process should I add my koi?

Wait until you have your pond completely set up before you add any koi to the water. You want to make sure you introduce them to a stable and healthy environment to make sure they have the best survival rate possible. Make sure you have all the necessary koi pond supplies on hand as well.

Have additional questions about koi pond design, koi ponds themselves or want more information about the koi pond supplies you see at Pondliner.com? Contact one of our friendly and knowledgeable staff members today!