Keeping Your Koi Pond Fish Healthy

pond fish

Pond Fish health is directly related to water quality and proper nutrition. Keep the pH between 6.8 and 8.0. Monitor the pond water quality for ammonia and nitrite. They must always be zero. Any measurable ammonia or nitrite indicates over-feeding or too many pond fish in the pond or water garden.

Make a partial pond water change once a month. Pond water changes remove excess nutrients and dissolved organic matter. We recommend removing 25% of the pond water and replacing it with de-chlorinated tap water

Feed only fresh, nutritionally balance fish food. Goldfish can be fed small portions several times a day. If you over-feed, ammonia and nitrite levels will climb, stressing the fish and causing disease problems.

Finally, resist the temptation to keep adding koi and goldfish to your pond. Over-crowding is the main cause of disease outbreaks and fish loss in water gardens. It is far more enjoyable to have a few healthy goldfish than a pond full of diseased, suffering pond fish that eventually die.

For more information on how to build your Koi fish pond, call Pondliner at (866) 766-3548.