How to Keep Your Fish Healthy

What you might not realize is spring is the most crucial time for your koi and goldfish. During the winter, your fish are very low-maintenance. They’re metabolism slows down, they don’t eat and they lay dormant at the bottom of your pond. But as soon as warm weather approaches, it’s time to step back in.

By going dormant all winter and not eating, your koi fish can have a compromised immune system. This makes them more susceptible to contracting disease from bacteria and parasites breeding in your backyard pond.

Until your water reaches a constant 70 degrees F, your fish will not have developed a full immune system. This is why proper backyard pond cleaning is essential.

As soon as spring approaches, you need to start getting out your pond supplies and doing a thorough cleaning of all areas of your pond. This includes cleaning pond filters, pond liners, pond pumps, plants and rocks.

Once your pond is thoroughly cleaned, your goldfish and koi will have a much stronger chance of survival. Even with depleted immune systems, if your fish are habituating in an environment free of bacteria, scum and sludge, they will be safe and sound.

Don’t be intimidated by the task of a pond cleaning. Think of it as a way to start an entire season of enjoying your backyard pond while also enjoying the sunshine and warm weather.

Need help with your spring cleaning? Check out the Backyard Pond Spring Cleaning Guide.

*Photo courtesy of dboy via Flickr.