Feeding and Stocking Your Fish Pond

pond fish

Keeping a beautiful, healthy environment in your fish pond is easy, if you pay attention to proper nutrition and water quality. Adding too many fish or over-feeding will cause poor health and disease problems. A general rule for success is to add three to four inches of fish for every square foot of pond surface in a filtered pond. Too many fish will result in poor water quality and low oxygen levels. Waste materials excreted into your pond by fish, along with decaying plant matter, can create a build-up of toxic substances in your fish pond. The biological pond filter will assist in removing many of these toxic substances, as long as the pond is not overstocked.

Pond fish are dependent upon you to provide a nutritionally balanced diet. A proper diet will provide the fish with the correct nutrition for healthy growth and activity. In a natural setting, pond fish have a varied diet, based upon the season. The seasons are determined by temperature and so is the type of food your fish should receive. In cooler temperatures, when water temperatures are between 42º F (6º C) and 72º F (21º C), fish require a high carbohydrate/reduced protein diet. In cooler water, fish metabolism slows and so does the need for protein. Feeding a high protein food in cooler waters will result in poor water quality. In fact, the excess protein is converted to ammonia and excreted by the fish. Pond Care Spring and Autumn Pond Fish Food is formulated to provide your pond fish with the proper amount of protein and easily digestible, energy-rich carbohydrates. Spring and Autumn Pond Fish Food supplies pond fish with their complete nutritional requirement without reducing water quality. Don’t let your fish pond suffer.

In warmer waters above 65º F (18º C), protein metabolism is very high in pond fish. Proteins are required for tissue formation and growth. This means that pond fish require the proper amount of proteins and carbohydrates along with fats, minerals, nutrients and vitamins. Pond Care Summer Staple Pond Fish Food contains 13 sources of easily digestible protein, providing a full spectrum of amino acids for growth, spawning and fin development. Summer Staple Pond Fish Food is extremely easy for the pond fish to digest and provides a completely balanced diet, which helps keep your pond fish active and healthy.

In addition to feeding your fish the correct food based on water temperature, all Pond Care pond fish foods are enriched with vitamins and minerals and a stabilized vitamin C polymer to aid in maintaining your fish’s immune system. Both foods are specially enriched with an exceptional color-enhancing formula. Complete growth and coloration will be achieved when you feed your fish the way nature intended them to eat.

Remember– Water temperature is the key to determining what diet is required for your pond fish.

For more information about keeping your fish pond well maintained, contact Pondliner by calling (866) 766-3548.