Acclimate Your Fish in Just 3 Simple Steps

When purchasing new fish for your backyard pond or water garden, it’s important for you to understand how to properly acclimate your fish to their new surroundings. While this may sound complicated, you can easily and effectively put fish in your pond by following these three simple steps:

  1. Perform a clean sweep of your fish pond – By deeply cleaning your rocks, waterfall, pond filters, pumps and other equipment, you can speed up the process when it comes time to add fish.
  2. Start Your Pond Filters – Once you have thoroughly cleaned and filled your pond, replace your filter to ensure it is properly working when you add your fish. It may be helpful to install new filter pads and add chemicals to clean bacteria. Once everything is in order you can begin running your pond pump.
  3. Test your water – It’s important that you have your pond water balanced before putting in your fish. Use a test kit to check the levels of pH, nitrate and ammonia in the water.

That’s it! Now it’s time to add your new fish. Once you have your water perfectly filtered and tested, it is safe to add your favorite aquatic fish. Be sure to choose fish that are low-maintenance and that suit the size pond you have.

*Photo courtesy of Martin Pettitt via Flickr.