3 Advantages of Pressure Filters

Are you trying to find the perfect water filter for your backyard pond? You know you need to keep your water, fish and plants healthy, but it can be difficult to decide between the many pond filter supplies available. Consider the advantages of pressure filters, ideal for small backyard ponds:

Sealed Units 

Pressure filters are sealed units made to be placed outside of the pond and fed water via a water pump in the pond. The filter unit is sealed, so it can be placed nearly anywhere, including below ground level or behind a water feature. If you’re looking for a filter that can be installed in a variety of places, a pressure filter gives you flexible options.

Re-routed Water Path

Water must leave the pond through a pump to enter the pressurized filter. This allows creative options for water’s re-entrance to your pond. Want to install a fountain or create a waterfall to enhance your yard? A pressure filter can route filtered water back into your pond through a water feature.

Eco-friendly Options

Pondliner.com offers eco-friendly pressurized pond filters. These filters are self-cleaning; all you have to do is switch the control valve to backwash and pull the cleaning handle. Magnetic pumps operate the filter, while a UC clarifier keeps water efficiently clean.The pressurized filters at Pondliner.com are made of two kinds of filter foam: fine and coarse. The contrast of these textures creates an optimal environment for growing the bacteria that’s good for your filter supplies. Using this advantage of a pressure filter, you can grow the bacteria your pond needs without adding more chemicals that could be harmful to your fish and plants.If you’re looking for a flexible, easy to manage filtering system for your small pond, a pressure filter can provide you with the supplies you need. Contact Pondliner.com to learn more about your filtering supply and service options today.